Regional LUT Representative Nominations

Licensed Unity Teachers interested in serving as a Regional Representative to the GLURC Board can request role descriptions and/or submit resumes to Janith Griffith, Resumes due August 15, 2016.

The LUT Luncheon at the Fall GLURC Conference will be extra important this year.  Both of the terms for Regional LUT Representative, Janith Griffith, and the Alternate Representative, Tom Sylvester, are expiring. Each term is for three years and the person may be elected for a second term.  According to GLURC bylaws, these roles are decided by a vote of the LUTs present at the LUT Luncheon at the Fall Conference.  Role descriptions are available from Janith Griffith, LUT Rep,

Nominees  need to send  resumes to Janith by August 15, 2016 deadline to be placed on the ballot.


August 15th, 2016 from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM